I’ve always been proud of my dog.
Everyone loves Buono. He’s like a teddy bear… but from the canine breed.
All white hair, plushy and soft. He’s also really intelligent (when he wants to be) and looks at you like if he’s having a conversation: concentrated on what you’re saying.
Our German guests have been making fun of him and since Friday, Buono has received a new nick name: the battery dog.
Everyone loves Buono. He’s like a teddy bear… but from the canine breed.
All white hair, plushy and soft. He’s also really intelligent (when he wants to be) and looks at you like if he’s having a conversation: concentrated on what you’re saying.
Our German guests have been making fun of him and since Friday, Buono has received a new nick name: the battery dog.
- Where is the off-switch? – they ask me – Is there an App to remotely control him?
- There’s an App for that! – they say all proud of their wittiness – I control Buono from my iPhone seated in the couch.
I am outraged over this. The private joke goes around daily and all I do is defend my dog.
And Buono is not helping because when they joke about him, he just moves his tail and jumps around: likes he enjoys being the center of attention!
And Buono is not helping because when they joke about him, he just moves his tail and jumps around: likes he enjoys being the center of attention!
Plueze.. don’t help me that much.
I have a plan of attack though: when the Buono App joke appears into the discussion, I’ll just play dumb, but when they’re out and about buying all of New York to fit on their overflowing bags, Buono will be rolling around their beds, playing with his toys over the pillows or pooping all over the balcony so they can’t go out and take some fresh air.
I’ll make sure he gets his revenge. Count on it.
The battery dog will become the revenge dog, and of course there’s an App for that: ME!