While I was voiceless (greetings to my patience who´s back in my body, as well as my voice… nice timing you too!!) in my grandparents’ house, we organized a big lunch with my six uncles, their wives and husbands, and of course, us… their sons.
We make a total of forty-six people, without including my husband, and my sister´s husband to-be (still without “legal” rights to appear in the family picture), with three pairs of twins; thirteen blonds, two old people (my grandparents of course!), six dyed blond, twenty brown hair (it´s a wonder that we don´t have a redhead), thirty-four cousins being younger than twenty-six, the age of my big sister, and of course: all forty-six dreading the family portrait.
After ingesting a huge amount of food and desserts (the table looked like a buffett from a hotel before the ravenous attack) we were called like a herd, the key words for a no-show being: “Picture time!”, and after forty-five minutes of dragging kids from every hole in the house, we finally succeeded in getting everyone together in the same spot (and you wonder why I lost my voice – and patience).
Luckily, we have a big lawn where we all fit (almost). We were arranged by age, my big sister in the top, and then, all thirty-four cousins behind her. I attached the picture for the skeptical readers who need proof… You see what I mean when I´m apprehensive for a family vacation??

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