
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Me, the Flu and a Disgusting potion

The worst thing that can happen to you is to know that you’re going on a trip and start feeling the symptoms of an awakening cold, creeping out from your nose to the outer world, ready to throw you on a permanent bed rest.

Today I woke up with that feeling.

I couldn’t differentiate the cold from an allergy, so I didn’t know if my trip to London was going to be pestered with tissue paper and decongestives, or if I only needed a couple of hours for the morning allergy to pass its usual course.

Reluctantly, I started to prepare my husband’s usual concoction when in suspicion of a cold.

Unenthusiastically I took a Thera-Flu with honey, a pill of Centrum and a glass of orange juice; all this without my usual morning coffee… yuck!

At first I didn’t feel anything, but after a while, somewhere up inside the “mucusy” caverns of my cranium, I thought I felt my sinuses throw their hands up into the air and admit defeat.

I can be really persistent when I want something (or don’t want it); big surprise when the cold decided to recede to its usual hibernation mode and allow me for a 10 days vacation without the torments of a runny nose and constant headaches.

Who’s your mummy now? B-I-A-T-C-H!

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