
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Long Island gives a new significance to the word: LONG

Dear readers, do you remember the big fiasco from my past “job experience”?
I’m happy to inform you that I’m employed once again, this time for an American Corporation who was looking for a Sales Manager for the Latin American markets… I know, I know; I told you guys that I preferred a Marketing position rather than a Sales one, but in this particular case, the offer comes with such a big challenge, and such a big incentive, that it would be a crime not to say Yes (which I did).
Wait for it, here it comes… you know me too mucho to be expecting it: The down size.
I can resume it in one word: distance.
I managed (once again) to get a job 35 miles (60 km) away from this big island.
And even more down sizing, is the fact that it doesn’t matter that I live four blocks from the biggest trains station in NY (Grand Central); the train that I have to catch to go to work is in Penn Station, 13 loooong blocks from my home and two connecting subways away.
Well, no biggie, I’ll have to put up with that fact and focus my energy on more uplifting matters, as it’s the fact that I’m being paid for doing what I love.
I’m starting next week, so I still have some more days of free time… adding every one of those together, I think 730 vacation days was enough to regain my energy and get my act together (finally).
I told myself that I was going to get a job before my birthday, and I pulled it off!!
Many people tried to hook me up with important executives in big corporation; nonetheless, I got this baby all on my own.
Luck… I don’t need; so don’t waste your time wishing it to me…but let’s just hope that I can probe myself up to their expectations; because I’ll hate to be unemployed once again.
Regards from a Long Island executive, living in Manhattan, being from Argentina, with a husband from the Dominican Republic, dying to step onto the world!!
(Well, not over the world… ON TOP OF THE WORLD!)

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